"Like all human existence, we are Providence of God to the world, the Father’s response to men of this time, because He feels compassion for His children” * * * "They were like sheep without a shepherd” (Mk 6:34)

3. Spirituality

Through the profession of the Evangelical Counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience, we intend to live in total, exclusive and definitive, generous and joyful surrender to the Lord, occupying ourselves only His things. In addition we profess vows of surrender to the Spiritual Maternity of Mary and docility to our Guardian Angel.

Our spirituality is Eucharistic and Marian.
It is Eucharistic because all our life and existence revolves around the surrender and donation of the Person of Christ, which constitutes us in food for the world. Before the Eucharist we pray, and for love of her we work in spreading the correct understanding of her doctrine and of her worship. All of our life of Liturgical Prayer is conducted before the exposed Blessed Sacrament; before which each priest, brother or sister has a daily hour of adoration.

It is Marian because the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, is our safe haven in our journey back to the Father, hence it is necessary that we recognize and love her dearly as a Mother and Teacher, because She is the model of Eucharistic Life, who teaches us to listen and keep the Word of God (Christ), so that we can later be and do all that the Father wants and desires of us. "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word" (Lk 1:38), to listen to the Virgin Mary is to love and obey God, She imprints in the heart of the Pilgrim, that "Do whatever he tells you" (Jn 2:5).

The Pilgrims, in light of the church, understand the gospel as the encounter with the person of the Son, in which the Father reveals to us the mystery of his poverty which is unfathomable wealth, because in Him, in Christ, the Father has given us everything. The Pilgrims of the Eucharist want to experience the simplicity and simpleness of the gospel (Christ), following the example of all the saints and especially of St. Francis of Assisi, who manifested with his life and existence, what it means to live “not by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God”. It is for his love of the gospel and the simplicity of his life that he is constituted as our main patron saint.

The Pilgrims of the Eucharist are characterized by living In a constant attentive listening to the Word of God (His Will), through the church by means of its legal representatives; therefore we profess a great love for the church, and for the Roman Pontificate in a spirit of humility and obedience. We are also characterized  by living of the Providence which is a manifestation of that same Will, this providence not only understood as receiving from God the material bread, but as receiving from God all that which makes it possible for us to achieve His ultimate goal, the eternal Beatitude. The Pilgrims live a fraternal life in the spirit of poverty, gratuition, and joy, which is in turn communion with the three divine Persons of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.